Hardware Limitations

Hard Drive –

A hard drive is built into a computer and is used to store all your files, documents, music etc. a hard drive comes in many sizes the bigger a hard drive is the more files you can hold on it. the limitations of a hard drive would be it can corrupt and crash, they can have short memory and fill up too quickly depending on what size you get.

Graphics Card –

A graphics card is used to display videos, images etc. this is a main component in a computer system and is in every computer, some graphics cards are better than others. Graphics cards are used widely for gaming computers as well as normal pc but they are very important in terms of pictures, and watching videos etc. the limitations of a graphics card are that they are quite dear, they are out of date as soon as you buy them as better cards are coming out every day.

Processor –

A processor is the brain of the computer and carries out all the calculations. The faster a processor in the computer the faster it will carry out all your tasks on the computer. The limitations on a processor are they can only work at a certain speed and can sometimes be slow.


RAM is the memory in a computer that all the software runs on, the bigger the ram in the computer the faster it will be which is really good as you could have a lot of programs open at once which you might need for your work and the computer wont freeze. the limitations on RAM are that you can only get a certain quantity installed on a Laptop or a Computer.

Comparing the Limitations

Hardware –

Digital Camera –

The camera can be used with the software applications below so you can copy photos from your camera onto these so you can use them, edit them etc. a camera has limitations, for example if you are a frequent user of it and use it every day the battery is very weak on them and wouldnt last long depending on which battery is in it. also you can only put a certain size of Memory card into them and you might want more photos on it than what the memory card can hold.

Graphics Tablet –

The Graphics tablet is a great hardware component for using with photos as you can draw them yourself, edit photos this is a great to use and easy depending on the model. I need a good Graphics tablet that works well with editing photos specifically and not just the basic features such as, crop, resize, draw, paint, pencil etc. i need brush, effects, merging pictures together etc. the limitations on a graphics tablet are that the tablet is only a certain size and you might want a bigger one so you can see more to draw on to get that drawing you want.

Scanner –

The scanner is easy to use and can use it with near any flat object to scan onto the computer so you can edit photos or even save them on the computer. i need a scanner that will scan HD photos so that i can use them on photoshop on my computer as i like working with high quality photos so i would need a top of the range scanner. Scanners can scan many items at once and are very good for certain projects for example Digital Graphics you may need to scan a few objects at once and you have a time limit to get things done so the more you can do in less time is better. the limitations on a scanner would be that it is portable but quite large and so you cant take it around with you.

Monitor –

The monitor i would need for using a digital camera and software applications like photoshop would be quite a big monitor and a High Definition one, I use a lot of high quality photos and as I use Photoshop to edit and make my photos i would require a high quality screen to fix them up perfectly. the limitations of a monitor is sometimes the size of it depeneding on which one you buy but the bigger ones are quite expensive

How can these affect the performance of the computer?

All these components can make the computer really fast, excellent visual quality, and a large capacity depending on the size and speed of all these components.

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